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Quantum Computing

Introduction You would have probably wondered if it’s possible to transmit a message from one person to another instantly with no delay. Sometimes the slow internet speed can be quite annoying and ends up making us want better technologies that are faster. Even if we have satisfying internet speed still we worry about our data security, don’t we? But overcoming these problems are now possible with the futuristic devices called quantum computers. According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every 18 months; meaning: we will encounter circuits on microchips on an atomic level in the near future. This literally opens the door to quantum computing. Quantum is a branch of physics which can and will be the potential solution to almost all of the issues we come across today. Quantum computers vs. Classical computers Quantum bit or Qubit, analogous to bit in classical computing is the fundamental unit of information in Quantum computing. A b

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